Great weather brought out a record breaking crowd for the 2015 Upper Floor Tour!
We sold a total of 421 tickets this year! This is an increase of 114 from last year! Thank you to all who purchased tickets and joined us for the evening.
Many thanks to the building owners (or apartment tenants) for opening the upper levels of their buildings for everyone to explore. We appreciate their collaboration and support!
Thank you to our awesome volunteers - without you, events like this would not be possible! (Chad Henry, Dennis & Kamron Berghoff, Mike & Debbie Henderson, Julia Keller-Clark, Matt & Mindy Steyer, Don & Susan Smearsoll, Darren Leis, Matt Bruner, Kim Manalo, Diane Delaplane, Sean Wolfe, and Sandy Stewart)
Thank you to the Darke County Visitors Bureau for hosting the Darke County Welcome center as the bonus location on the tour and thank you to their team of dedicated volunteers who greeted folks all evening long! We also appreciate them selling tickets for our event!
Thank you to Brumbaugh Construction for allowing us to use some of their lights for this event. We appreciate your help!
Also, many thanks to Mote & Associates for once again sponsoring this event. It has become a tradition for many in our community and we appreciate your support to highlight these buildings and their importance.
We hope everyone had a great time. If you missed it, make plans to attend next year! The Upper Floor Tour always takes place on the 1st Friday in May!
We hope to see everyone at our June First Friday event, Live Music!
To view more photos from the event, please click HERE.