GREENVILLE – The Jordan Agency Artisan Stroll on First Friday has been canceled. The event originally scheduled for Friday, Aug. 7 cannot be held due to Governor Mike DeWine’s mandate from earlier this week.
Craft and artisan vendors, as well as musicians, have always been a huge part of the Artisan Stroll, but the state’s order to shutdown fairs also has implications for certain events. The mandate prohibits Main Street Greenville from hosting craft vendors and musicians.
According to Ryan Berry, executive director, of Main Street Greenville, the local health department was great to work with and provided a lot of great information leading up to the event. “We were ready to move forward,” he said. “We are truly disappointed, but we also want to do our part to keep Darke County safe and healthy.”
How this will affect future events and First Fridays is yet to be determined. “We will continue to watch the governor’s mandates and when possible we will resume our First Friday events,” he said.
The next event on the schedule is Popcorn & Prohibition scheduled for Friday, Sept. 4. Main Street Greenville and the committee working to put the event together will continue to work on preparing for the event. “We will continue to work with the health department and if they give us the green light, we will have the event,” said Berry.
Even without events, Berry invites visitors to patronize the downtown businesses. We have a lot of great local people operating and working at these businesses. “Come downtown and grab a bite to eat at one of our fine restaurants and then walk up and down Broadway and you will be surprised at what you will find. Everything from art to home décor to antiques to several great boutiques and everything in between can be found downtown.”
Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization committed to stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth in Historic Downtown Greenville. To learn more about the organization, visit www.mainstreetgreenville.org or call 937-548-4998. You can also like the organization on Facebook to receive updates on a regular basis (www.facebook.com/mainstreetgreenville).