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Main Street Greenville to Plant Flowers Downtown

In 2007, Main Street Greenville created the Adopt-A-Box Flower Program in downtown Greenville. Since then, more than 70 flower boxes and pots are funded and planted each Spring by individuals and businesses located in the community.

This year’s Downtown Planting Day will be held on Saturday, May 20th from 8:00 - 11:00 am. During this time, more than 60 volunteers gather downtown to plant the flowers along South Broadway.

The Adopt-A-Box Flower Program was created to increase community pride and provide an active and colorful atmosphere. “Planting fresh flowers in the boxes along Broadway brings such a sense of life and vibrancy to the downtown district,” said Crysta Hutchinson, Executive Director of Main Street Greenville. “The volunteers who donate their time take pride in their hometown and they know that little touches can make all the difference.”

The Adopt-A-Box Flower Program also receives sponsorship and assistance from BASF Corporation, Miller Flowers Greenhouse & Florist, and Dave Knapp Ford Lincoln.

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Main Street Greenville for instructions, all are welcome to help with this community activity.

Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization committed to stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and grown in historic Downtown Greenville. To learn more, visit, follow them on Facebook, or contact them at 937-548-4998.

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